Join me for a quick tour of the garden. Our eggplants are just starting to produce, and our sungold tomatoes are over 7 feet tall!
Join me for a quick tour of the garden. Our eggplants are just starting to produce, and our sungold tomatoes are over 7 feet tall!
Nothing gets kids excited like homemade strawberry fruit leather! They will eat it all day if you let them. This recipe is super quick and easy – only three ingredients! The only appliances you need are a blender and an oven or dehydrator. Join me in the video to learn how to make this awesome […]
If you’ve never tried making your own, homemade raw yogurt, you don’t know what you’re missing! This is a great money saver, and a very healthy snack. Raw yogurt has tons of beneficial bacteria, enzymes, antibiotic properties, not to mention that it is delicious. Join me as I make a batch homemade yogurt. A printable […]
Join me for a quick tour of the Quarter Acre Homestead. See what we are growing in our garden this year, our fruit trees, our chicken coop, and even a baby opossum. Please let me know your methods for killing field bindweed organically!
Leeks are often overlooked in North America, which is a pity given their wonderfully mild flavor, cold hardiness, and health benefits. They are actually quite easy to grow but do need extra nitrogen for best results. Join me in this episode to see what growing leeks is all about!
Since potatoes grow underground, it can seem hard to know when they are ripe or ready to be harvested. This episode shows how simple it really is. Potatoes are ready to be harvested once the plants start to blossom. Enjoy, and comment below with any questions!
I am quite pleased with the way my lettuce is doing this year. In the past, I have dealt with slugs eating all my lettuce (at my old house), as well as bitter-tasting lettuce. This year the lettuce is sweet and crunchy! The secret is to grow lettuce early, in the cool of spring, and […]
In this episode, I teach you how I build my pole bean trellises. I’m very frugal, so doing things for free is my preference. For this project, all you need is some old pipe or boards, some lightweight wire, t-stakes, and yarn. This pole bean trellis is guaranteed to hold your beans up, and look […]