The Titus Diet


Titus feeling good on Thanksgiving 2014

Despite having a great pregnancy, eating good foods, and having a natural home birth, our son Titus developed severe eczema, allergies, and asthma. It has been a very, very long and hard journey, but he is doing much better now. He is currently six years old and loving life. At one point we still had a very involved skin care routine including daily 20 minute baths, lathering him in vanicream multiple times per day, using a mild steroid cream every-other day on spots as needed, and using wet-wraps (National Jewish style) for any skin flares.

Titus with an eczema flare in 2013

Since Titus was still nursing at age two, he and mommy were both on a very strict diet based on allergy testing, food challenges, and two years of trail-and-error. This diet had to be 100% strict, and it was very restricted. Thus the name Titus Diet. We wrote an e-cookbook detailing this story and sharing some of our recipes!

On this site you will find various recipes we have developed for the Titus Diet. In the future we will also include tutorials and videos on wet wrapping based on the procedures we learned during our visit to National Jewish Health. To read more about Titus’ story, please visit, or check out our e-cookbook for allergies.

Below is a list of the foods allowed on the Titus Diet when he was age two. Click here to view the current spreadsheet.

The Titus Diet

Titus Diet as of 11/2014


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